Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Are you sleeping well?

It is no secret that a good night's rest is crucial to our health, but sometimes getting the needed rest is impossible.  Sleep apnea is a real problem in the United States and affects an estimated 12 million people.  What is sleep apnea?  Sleep apnea is the stopping or shallowing of your breathing during sleep.  The most common form of sleep apnea is called obstructive sleep apnea.  With obstructive sleep apnea you aren't able to get enough oxygen through your nose and mouth while you sleep due to a collapsed airway.  Treatments for sleep apnea range from simple solutions for mild sleep apnea patients like sleeping on your side rather than your back, or for cases of severe sleep apnea patients are given a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure).  Although effective for helping with oxygen flow, the CPAP compliance rate is low, meaning patients who are diagnosed with sleep apnea and given a CPAP rarely use it the way it is prescribed.  There is another alternative treatment for sleep apnea, and can be helpful to patients that have been diagnosed anywhere from mild to severe but non-compliant with the CPAP.  This treatment involves an oral appliance you wear while sleeping that helps to bring your jaw forward therefore opening up your airway allowing better oxygen flow.  This applience can be made for you by Dr. Kearney.  If you have trouble getting enough sleep, if you snore, if you feel tired after "sleeping" all night, or in the worst case scenario, if someone has told you that you quit breathing during your sleep, you need to come in and talk with Dr. Kearney about this.  Even though it may seem strange to discuss your sleeping habits with your dentist, Dr. Kearney may be able to help.  Getting the sleep your body needs just might improve the quality of your life!  Keep that in mind next time your visiting our office, and as always, if you have questions please call us!  We are here for you, our most valued patients!


Always remember; Keep your teeth healthy and don't let them take a bite out of your life! ;)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Dental X-rays and radiation

With the recent news coverage about dental x-rays and radiation, I thought it might be helpful to link to an article that shows actual radiation numbers.  Here at Austin Bluffs Dental we use digital x-rays which minimize patients radiation exposure over traditional film x-rays.  We only take x-rays when necessary to uphold our standard of care and we keep all of our equipment up-to-date to provide our patients with the safest experience possible.  Please feel free to read the following information as published by the American Dental Association regarding dental x-rays, and if you have any further questions we are here for you and can be reached at Austin Bluffs Dental (719) 593-8488.

X-Rays - American Dental Association - ADA.org

I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable weekend!


Always remember: keep your teeth healthy, and don't let them take a bite out of your life! :)

Friday, April 6, 2012