Wednesday, September 28, 2011

And the answer is...

Sorry for the delay in posting the answers to the quiz, We were really busy around here last week (no complaints) and so I was not able to get on the blog to post the answers.  As I know you are all waiting with baited breath, without further delay, the answers to the pop quiz are as follows:

1) True, thumb sucking can cause a misalignment of the teeth, which can cause a range of problems including breathing problems and problems with chewing.  If at all possible discourage your child from becoming an avid thumb sucker.

2) False, the acidity of the lemons can actually cause the enamel to erode and weaken the structure of the tooth. 

3) False, while neither option is good for your teeth, chewing on ice, can cause serious damage to your teeth because of the cold temperatures and the hardness of the ice.  If a blender needs a special setting to crush ice, take that as a clue that you should not be attempting to do it with your teeth!

4) False, brushing your teeth too hard can cause sensitivity to hot and cold, it may irritate the gums, and can wear down your tooth enamel. 

Hopefully you got the answers correct, and maybe you learned a thing or two.  I'll be back with another quiz eventually, so study hard and be on the look out for the next pop quiz!


Always remember; Keep your teeth healthy and don't let them take a bite out of your life! ;)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

It's Pop Quiz time again

Take a quick minute to see if you can answer these questions.  I will post the answers next week, so check back to see how you did!

1) True or False:  Thumb sucking can result in permanant changes in tooth and jaw structure.

2) True or False:  Sucking on lemons actually cleans your teeth.

3) True or False:  Chewing on ice cubes are way better for your teeth than hard candies.

4) True or False:  The harder you brush your teeth, the more plaque you will remove.


Always remember:  Keep your teeth healthy, and don't let them take a bite out of your life! ;)