Thursday, November 17, 2011

New technology for oral cancer screening is here!

We are excited to announce that we now have a new "tool" in our arsenal to help us screen for oral cancer.  We attended a continuing education seminar in Denver, Co last Thursday and Friday and part of the focus of that seminar was on oral cancer screening.  We have always preformed oral cancer screenings in our office, but we now have a velscope.  A velscope "is the most powerful FDA approved oral screening tool for assisting in the discovery and detection of oral cancers.  The velscope works by emitting non-harmful blue light allowing the doctor to see areas of concern that are otherwise undetectable with the naked eye.  The velscope is NOT a diagnostic test.  It is, however, a visualization tool that will help the dentist and hygienist to identify a wide range of unhealthy tissue in the mouth including oral pre-cancer and cancer." (  If the doctor does see something of concern he will then schedule the patient for diagnosis.  For more information you can go to 

We will begin to use the velscope routinely at your regular check-ups, so if you need another reason to get in for your check-up, there you have it.  Our patient's health is extremely important to us, and this is why we have decided to bring this new technology into our office. 


Always remember, keep your teeth healthy and don't let them take a bite out of your life! ;)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Quote of the Week!

I was driving to work yesterday and I was reflecting on the seminar our office attended on Friday November 4th (which, by the way, was AWESOME!  If you ever get a chance to hear David Weber speak, don't miss it!), and I pulled up behind a truck with "the best" bumper sticker for the mood I was in.  The bumper sticker read:
  If it's petty, don't sweat it
  If it's sweaty don't pet it!

Now isn't that the honest truth!  The tough part is not sweating the small stuff, boy can that one be tricky!  Well here's to trying! 


Always remember, keep your teeth healthy, and don't let them take a bite out of your life! ;)