Friday, May 27, 2011

Pop Quiz

OK, so it is Friday May 27, 2011 and Memorial day is just around the corner.  I want to wish everyone a safe and happy weekend!  Before you begin all of your weekend festivities, take my pop quiz to see if you are oral health smart!

Question 1:    How many times is it recommended you brush your teeth in a day?
Question 2:    How long should you brush your teeth each time you are brushing?
Question 3:    How often should you change your toothbrush?

Now for the bonus question....Can feeding your child breakfast help reduce their risk of getting cavities?

Think you know all the answers...check back next week to see if you passed the quiz.  There is really no prize for getting the answers right, but you just might improve your oral health knowledge, which really is a win-win!

Again, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, Austin Bluffs Dental will be closed for the holiday, but we will be back in the office on Tuesday!  Get outside and enjoy all Colorado has to offer!


Always remember: Keep your teeth healthy and don't let them take a bite out of your life! ;)

Friday, May 20, 2011

It's Friday

Good Morning to all-

Wow, I can not believe that it is Friday, May 20, 2011 already!  Schools are wrapping up for the year and summer is just around the corner.  Spring has been feeling more like winter so far this year, but I guess with the dry winter, we can't complain too much about the moisture.  That being said, I am definitely looking forward to some warmer weather!  Barbara decided she was tired of waiting for the warm weather to get here, so she took off for a weeks vacation to find some sunshine! Send a little our way please Barb! 

As always, we welcome your comments, and are available to take care of all your dental needs!  Give our office a call, we are here for you!


Always remember: keep your teeth healthy and don't let them take a bite out of your life! ;)  

Friday, May 13, 2011

Periodontal Disease: Just the facts

Periodontal Disease ranges from simple inflammation of gums (gingivitis) to a far more serious problem involving the soft tissue and bone that supports teeth (periodontists), which can result in loss of teeth.

Plaque and tarter build up are the major contributing factors to the development of periodontal disease.  Other risk factors include but are not limited to: smoking (do you really need another reason to quit?), hormonal changes, diabetes, and genetic predispositions.

Preventing periodontal disease is as easy as caring for your mouth daily; brush your teeth twice a day, floss your teeth at least once a day, visit your dentist for regular cleanings and check ups, and if you are a smoker, consider quitting.

There is some research that periodontal disease not only affects the health of your mouth but can be linked to other health risks including: pregnant women with periodontal disease giving birth to preterm babies and/or low birth weight babies, periodontal disease can make controlling blood sugars difficult, and may cause such health problems as stroke and heart disease.  Bottom line; periodontal disease is not good for your health!

If you are diagnosed with periodontal disease, there are treatments to help get the disease under control, and the sooner you see a professional the better chance of minimizing the damage caused by the disease. 

If you are concerned that you may have periodontal disease, don't put it off any longer.  Get an appointment with Dr. Kearney so we can get started putting your oral health back on track!


Always remember: keep your teeth healthy and don't let them take a bite out of your life! ;)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Dental Facts You Never Knew You Wanted to Know!

Toothpaste in collapsible tubes was introduced way back in the 1850's. Fluoride, however wasn't added to toothpaste until 1914, but was met with disapproval from the ADA (American Dental Association). It wasn't until the mid 1950's that Crest introduced it first clinically proved fluoride toothpaste.  Currently, in the United States, we buy over 14 million gallons of toothpaste yearly. 

All of this talk about toothpaste makes me want to go brush my teeth! :-)

Hopefully you found this information interesting, and if you have any interesting facts you have been dying to share, please do so.  I am always looking to increase my knowledge of totally useless information! 


Always remember: keep your teeth healthy, and don't let them take a bite out of your life! ;)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Happy Spirng to Everyone!

Well it is May and typical of Colorado, now we get the snow!  Good news is, the forecast appears to be warming and things are getting hot around here!  As we roll into the summer months there is one schedule change to take note of.  Starting Friday May 13th, we will begin our summer hours, which are our regular business hours 8-5 Tuesday-Thursday and then on Fridays we open at 7am and work until 3:00.  So, for all of you early risers, the time to schedule is now! 
As always, we at Austin Bluffs Dental love to hear from our patients with any suggestions or comments they may have.  We strive to provide the best care for our patients and really value your opinions!

Here's to a wonderful Spring!


Always remember, keep your teeth healthy and don't let them take a bite out of your life! ;)